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A career in nursing

Anthony Carr has had two interesting careers. The first was in nursing and shown below and later in the Christian ministry. See 'As an ordained minister'.

1951-1956 Anthony entered general nurse training at Selly Oak Hospital Birmingham at 18 years having spent six months first as a ward orderly. After qualifying as a State Registered Nurse (1954). successively held posts of Staff Nurse and Night Charge Nurse at this Hospital (1955-1956).

1956-1959 He left nursing for four years and worked as an Industrial Sales Representative for a Manufacturing Heating Company first in Birmingham then in Newcastle upon Tyne.

1959 - 1963 District Nurse, City of Birmingham Public Health Department & Lecturer in Health Education, City of Birmingham Education Department.

1963-1965 Assistant Matron in charge Joseph Sheldon Hospital Rednal

1965-1967 Midlands Area Officer of the Royal College of Nursing

1967-1969 Principal of the William Rathbone Staff College Liverpool

1970-1972 Chief Nursing Officer Central Wirral 

1972-1984 Chief Nursing Officer Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Teaching) Health Authority 

In the 1970's he became chairman of two important working parties at the department of health. In 1975 he chaired a working party of the Education and Training of SRN/RGN in District Nursing and later chaired another group on the Education and Training of the Enrolled Nurse in the Community. Action on the former report resulted in district nurse training being moved to colleges of further and higher education and paved the way for the present degree in district nursing. For this work he was honoured by the Royal College of Nursing by the award of Fellowship of the College. (See citation of Royal College of Nursing)

He was one of four members of a committee (Cumberlege) set up by the Secretary of State for Health in 1985 to review the Community Nursing Services in England. The subsequent report Neighbourhood Nursing had a great impact upon the management of the community nursing services.

Any papers referred to in this script can be found under Published Papers on this site.

Positions held in statutory bodies and professional organisations

Member of Council, Royal College of Nursing for 16 years over various periods 1963-1982

Chairman, Institute of Health Education Council, 1971-1972

President, District Nursing Association 1976-1984

President, Practical Work Teachers Association 1978-1984

Founder Chairman, Regional, Area and District Nursing Officers Group Rcn 1977-1981

Elected Member, English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting 1983-1984

Appointed Member, Joint Committee on District Nursing, United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting 1983-1984

Department of Health Nominee, Panel of Assessors for District Nursing 1979-1984 (Deputy Chairman of Education Committee 1982-1984)

Member, Council of Queen's Nursing Institute 1977-1984

Member, Solihull Primary Health Care Trust 1997-2001 Vice Chairman 1999-2001

Other appointments

Member, North Shields Family Practitoner Committee 1984-1986 (i) Chairman, Planning Committee, (ii) Chairman of Panel on complaints against GP's and Dentists

Chairman, Management Committee Workstarter Ltd. Birmingham 1994 1997

Consulting Editor Nursing Focus 1978-1983

Editorial Advisory Board Member Nursing Mirror, 1976-1982





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