These papers give a glimpse of an era of nursing from 1961 to 1987 through the pen of one male nurse who first wrote as a district nurse and finally, as the chief nursing officer of the largest teaching health authority in the country.
Anthony Carr was a member of the advisory board of the Nursing Mirror for six years and Consulting Editor and a member of the Nursing Focus editorial board for five years.He published over a hundred papers in various professional journals. Those with highlights can be accessed by clicking on the title. All files are in pdf format. Papers numbers over one page in length are indicated.
The most researched paper is that on 'Smoking in Teenage Boys' in 1963. This paper has been quoted in more than 30 publications and appears to be the first paper written on the subject.
National Nursing Policies
- Report on the Education and Training of District Nurses. (1976) Chairman Anthony J Carr. Panel of Assessors for District Nurse Training, Department of Health. The Report can be accessed in four parts as shown below:
Part 2. Outline Curriculum, Detailed Curriculum to the Outline Curriculum – Objective 1.
After the publication of this report Anthony toured various conferences and education centres to explain the changes about to take place in the education of District Nurses. Two texts of addresses given to specially convened conferences survive and are reproduced below.
Editorial on the Queen's Nursing Institute lecture, Nursing Mirror October 1977
Editorial on the Queen's Nursing Institute lecture, Nursing Times October 1977
Career Development
- New rung on the ladder . A The Chief Executive? Nursing Mirror (1979) 25:20 (2 pages)
Opportunities for men in nursing administration District Nursing (1966) 6:11 (3 pages)
Which way now - Area Nurse? Nursing Mirror (1980) 8:14
Who keeps the keys? Nursing Mirror (1983) Aug 24 (2 pages)
Christian faith
- A trial of faith Nursing Mirror (1984) 158:17
- Easter revelation Nursing Times (1965) April
- He is risen Nursing Times (1966) 62:14
- No room at the inn Nursing Times (1965) 61:52
Clinical Subjects
- Accidental Hypothermia Nursing Times (1966) 40:1308 (3 pages)
- Clinical nurse teaching Nursing Times (1977) Jan 27 (2 pages)
- Clinical nursing Is this the future for nursing? Nursing Focus (1982) 3:11
- Compulsory geriatric nursing Nursing Times (1965) 7:225 (2 pages)
- Disabled people - are they a nursing priority? Nursing Focus (1981) Jan
- Extension of the nurse’s role -which way?. Nursing Focus (1981) Aug
- Modern geriatrics (with others) Nursing Times (1964) 4:105 (3 pages)
- Patients in isolation Nursing Mirror (1983) Aug 31 (3 pages)
- Training nurses to care for the elderly Nursing Times (1965) 51:1579 (2 pages)
- Well, are standards falling? Nursing Mirror (1979) 24:12
Community & Social Health
- Domiciliary care and after care Male Nurses Journ (1961) 84:19
- Note: No known copy of this paper now exists.
- First line of defence (1) Nursing Times (1979) 29:1209 (2 pages)
- First line of defence (2) Nursing Times (1979) 30:1259 (2 pages)
- Influence of the environment Nursing Mirror (1982) March 10 (3 pages)
- Neighbourhood Nursing Senior Nurse (1987) 7:3 (2 pages)
- Public Health Nurse The Society of Registered Male Nurses Ltd AGM Publication Sept 29-30 1961
- The District Nurse in our society Nursing Times (1966) 4:108 (4 pages)
- The fascinating future of District Nursing Journ of the Dist Nursing Assoc (1981) June (5 pages)
- The place of the father in the mid-sixties Mother & Child (1965) Sept (2 pages)
- The State Enrolled Nurse in the Community Journ of Community Nursing (1980) June (2 pages)
- Basic Training of the nurse, a case for change Nursing Focus (1983) 4:6
- Beyond the brief Nursing Times (1977) 10:328 (2 pages)
- District Nurse training in the 1980’s Journ of Com Nursing (1977) Dec (3 pages)
- District Nurse training in the 1980’s Nursing Mirror (1977) 18:45 (3 pages)
- How can we manage without it? (District nurse training) Part 1 Nursing Mirror (1981) 158:22 (2 pages)
- In answer to a student’s protest Nursing Times (1964) 51:1659
- It is not professional Nursing Mirror (1964) 120:258
- Misgivings galore Nursing Mirror (1982) April 23 (3 pages)
- Partners in Tyne (with others) Nursing Mirror (1983) Aug 17 (3 pages)
- Post-basic Clinical Courses Nursing Times (1967) Sept 15 (2 pages)
- Role & function of nursing auxiliaries. Nursing Focus (1980)
- Scheme for graduate students (with other) Nursing Mirror (1983) March 9
- The price of progress (District nurse training) Part 2 Nursing Mirror (1981) June 17 (2 pages)
Employment Issues
- Justice is not seen to be done Nursing Mirror (1980) 8:14 (2 pages)
- Part-time nurses dilemma Nursing Times (1966) 47:1544 (3 pages)
- After Clegg- what next for nurses? Nursing Focus (1980) March (2 pages)
- Budgeting in the reorganised NHS Nursing Focus (1981) Sept (3 pages)
- Cost effective nursing Nursing Times (1978) 22:906 (3 pages)
- Future funding of the NHS Nursing Focus (1982) December
- Less money - Lower standards of care? Nursing Focus (1979) 3:149
- Reduction in the working hours of nurses Nursing Focus (1980) May
- Taking poll position Nursing Mirror (1981) Nov 4 (3 pages)
- The 35 hour week - friend or foe? Nursing Focus (1981) Sept (6 pages) Repoduction is variable
General Subjects
- A traditional view of the nurse’s role Health & Soc Ser Journ (1979)
- First time writers Nursing Focus (1979) 2:65
- More consultants - at what cost? Nursing Focus (1982) 4:2
- Patients first - A consultative paper Nursing Focus (1980) 6:221 (2 pages)
- Rejig of a rejigged health service Nursing Mirror (1980) 3:16
- The problems and demands of change District Nursing (1968) 9:165
- The shape of things to come Nursing Times (1979) 42:1786
- When is a nursing auxiliary not a ‘nursing’ auxiliary? Nursing Times (1968) 26:863
Hospital Building
- Commissioning a new general hospital Nursing Focus (1981) May (6 pages)
- So you want to start a nursery? Nursing Times (1964) 24:778 (2 pages)
Industrial Relations
- Counting the cost of TUC affiliation Nursing Mirror (1979) 15:10
- How to turn a rebel into a friend Nursing Mirror (1979) 20:10
- Let the strikers take the consequences Nursing Mirror (1979) Sept 13
- Professional industrial action Nursing Times (1979) 6:224 (2 pages)
- Should a nurse report a nurse? Nursing Mirror (1983) March 23
- Strike action - what then? Nursing Focus (1982) 3:12
- The revolution has already begun Trumpette (1970) March
Leadership & Motivation
- A positive push for promotion Nursing Mirror (1980) Dec
- A new rung on the ladder Nursing Mirror (1979) May 24 (2 pages)
- Clues to a leading question Nursing Mirror (1980) Oct
- Democracy in the NHS Nursing Focus (1983) Jan
- Getting your just deserts Nursing Mirror (1980) Sept
- Nurse managers look for leaders Nursing Standard (1979) 93:7 (poor reproduction)
- Promotion: Family vis-a-vis career Nursing Mirror (1980) March 13
- Salmon - A leap into the future Nursing Times (1971) 15:454 (3 pages)
- What did we do last time? Nursing Mirror (1980) Nov
Management of People/Structures/Policy
- A Form of promotion Nursing Mirror (1980) April 10
- Management Forum two papers
- (1) A look at the future Nursing Mirror (1982) March 31 (3 pages)
- (2) An Art and a science Nursing Mirror (1982) March 31 (3 pages)
- A manager’s task Nursing Mirror (1982) Sept 15
- Advice for the advisers Nursing Mirror (1982) Aug 14
- Future of nurse management,The. The Nursing Focus (1983) July (2 pages)
- Is consensus management doomed? Nursing Mirror (1984) 158:22
- Is teamwork working? Nursing Mirror (1984) 159:1 (3 pages)
- How it may be just the job! Nursing Mirror (1980) June 26
- Labour relations and discipline Nursing Mirror (1982) Dec 1 (2 pages)
- Leading from the top Nursing Mirror (1982) Dec 22/29 (2 pages)
- Management - A word of many meanings Nursing Mirror (1979) 10:30 (2 pages)
- Management development policies in the DHA’s Nursing Focus (1982) April
- Management structures - the next step Nursing Focus (1982) May
- Playing by the rules Nursing Mirror (1983) Aug 10 (2 pages)
- Responsibility - the key word Nursing Mirror (1982) Sept (2 pages)
- Seal of approval Nursing Mirror (1984) 158:4
- Supporting the manager Nursing Mirror (1982) Sept 29
- The chain of command Nursing Mirror 1982) Sept 22 (3 pages)
- The work of the nursing officer (1) Nursing Times (1978) (4 pages)
- The work of the nursing officer (2) Nursing Times (1978) (6 pages)
Special occasional papers
- Ward closures Nursing Mirror (1983) Aug 17
- What will history say? Nursing Mirror (1983) 158:1 (3 pages)
- Writing a job description Nursing Times (1971) (4 pages)
- Blood sample survey Nursing Times (1970) Special occasional paper (2 pages)
- Post-basic clinical courses Nursing Times (1967) 36: (2 pages)
- Smoking Habits among nurses Nursing Times (1972) 22:672 (2 pages)
- Smoking in teenage boys Nursing Times (1963) 35:1093 (2 pages)
- Smoking in teenage girls Nursing Times (1965) 1:33 (2 pages)
- Work load and staffing on night duty Nursing Times (1976) Special occasional paper (4 pages)
Selection of Staff
- Check list for selection of staff Nursing Times (1972) 1 June (3 pages)
- Reproduced in 1974 in book “Every Operating Room Supervisor Should Know (Denver: Association of Operating Room Nurses.)
Structure of organisations
- Reorganisation - A change for the better? Nursing Mirror (1981) Sept (2 pages)
- Let ‘adaptable’ be the key word Nursing Mirror (1980) July
- Let the strikers suffer the consequences Nursing Mirror (1979) Sept 13
- New units in the new NHS (1) Nursing Mirror (1981) Jan 29
- New units in the new NHS (2) Nursing Mirror (1981) Feb 19
- Nursing is a two-sided coin Nursing Mirror (1980)August
- Nursing administration-looking into the future Nursing Focus (1979) Sept (3 pages)
- Reorganisation - the Government’s blueprint Nursing Focus (1980) Sept (2 pages)
- Reviewing performance in the reorganised NHS Nursing Focus (1982) Jan/Feb
- Service planning - an essential role of the nurse Nursing Focus (1980) Dec
- Staff participation in management decision-making Nursing Focus (1981) March
- Time for change (again!) Nursing Mirror (1981) March 19